Navigating Disparate Treatment in Remote and Hybrid Work Policies

3 min read
Hybrid Work Policies

As businesses navigate the complexities of remote and hybrid work policies, leaders often face questions regarding the perceived fairness of these arrangements. Employees performing similar tasks may have different levels of flexibility, leading to concerns about favoritism and inequity. This article provides insights on how leaders can address these issues effectively, emphasizing legal compliance, transparency, and empathy.

Understanding the Legal Landscape of Hybrid Work Policies

According to my interview with Keith Sonderling, Commissioner of the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), employers retain control over the essential functions of a job. Legally, most employees do not have a right to work remotely unless specified in collective bargaining agreements or executive employment contracts. However, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) introduces complexities by requiring accommodations for employees with disabilities, including mental health conditions.

“From a legal perspective, if an employer says part of your job description, part of the essential functions of your job, is being in the office five days a week, they are allowed to do that,” says Sonderling. He emphasizes, “There is no protected right to federal telework.”

Sonderling highlights that employers must engage in an interactive process with employees requesting accommodations. This process involves understanding the specific needs of the employee and determining reasonable adjustments without compromising essential job functions. Crucially, the ADA also mandates the confidentiality of medical information, preventing employers from disclosing reasons behind certain accommodations to other employees. As Sonderling notes, “Employers have to engage in that interactive process if the reason an employee says they can’t come back to work is related to a mental health condition.”

And the EEOC is showing its teeth. In a landmark legal settlement, ISS Facility Services, Inc. agreed to a $47,500 payment to resolve an EEOC complaint alleging ADA violations. The case centered on the company’s refusal to permit a disabled employee to continue part-time remote work. In another example, the EEOC filed a complaint against a Georgia company for terminating a marketing manager who had sought to work remotely three days a week to manage her anxiety.

Addressing Concerns About Fairness in Hybrid Work Policies

Disparate treatment in remote work policies can create a sense of unfairness among employees. Leaders need to navigate these waters carefully, balancing legal obligations with maintaining team morale. Here are key strategies to consider:

1. Educate and Communicate

Effective communication is paramount. Leaders should explain the legal and organizational rationale behind different work arrangements. Emphasize that remote work accommodations due to ADA requirements are confidential and cannot be disclosed. A blanket policy that references government guidance on confidentiality can help mitigate concerns without breaching privacy.

As Sonderling points out, “Employers need to ensure that there’s no violation of the employee’s medical privacy when discussing why certain employees might work from home.”

2. Transparency and Consistency

While some aspects of remote work policies must remain confidential, transparency about the criteria for remote work eligibility is essential. Clearly outline the factors considered, such as job role, collaboration needs, and individual performance. Consistency in applying these criteria helps build trust and reduces perceptions of favoritism.

3. Empathy and Support

Leaders should approach these discussions with empathy. Recognize the emotional and psychological impact of disparate treatment and offer support where possible. This might include additional resources for employees who are required to be in the office more frequently or flexibility in other areas, such as work hours.

Leveraging EEOC Guidance Around Hybrid Work Policies

The EEOC provides valuable guidance for handling remote work accommodations. Sonderling stresses the importance of engaging in the interactive process for ADA accommodations. This involves:

  • Listening to Employee Requests: Take all accommodation requests seriously, whether they involve remote work or other adjustments.
  • Consulting Medical Providers: Work with healthcare professionals to understand the specific needs of the employee.
  • Exploring Alternatives: Remote work is not the only form of accommodation. Consider options such as flexible hours, modified duties, or ergonomic adjustments in the office.

“The reality is that the ADA is unique because there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to accommodations,” says Sonderling. “Employers should engage with medical providers to understand that each situation is different.”

Training in Hybrid Work Policies

Untrained managers can inadvertently create legal risks by mishandling accommodation requests. Investing in comprehensive training for managers and HR professionals is crucial. This training should cover:

  • ADA Compliance: Understanding the legal requirements and processes for handling accommodation requests.
  • Confidentiality Protocols: Ensuring managers know the importance of keeping medical information private.
  • Effective Communication: Teaching managers how to explain policy decisions without breaching confidentiality.

Sonderling warns, “If employers, HR departments are under such pressure by their boards or C-suite, they might skip necessary steps. But not engaging in the interactive process when required is a violation of the ADA.”

Case Study

  • Situation: At one of my clients, an IT services firm, a newly-installed CEO faced skepticism from the team regarding disparate remote work arrangements.
  • Action: She conducted individual meetings with team members to discuss their preferences and constraints, aligning them with business needs. She used the EEOC guidelines to address ADA-related accommodations confidentially and transparently explained other remote work decisions.
  • Outcome: This personalized approach led to higher employee satisfaction and trust. Team members felt heard and valued, reducing concerns about favoritism.
  • Best Practice: Engage in individual discussions to align employee preferences with business needs, and ensure transparent communication of decisions.


Dealing with disparate treatment in remote and hybrid work policies requires a delicate balance of legal compliance, transparency, and empathy. By educating employees, maintaining consistent criteria, and providing robust training for managers, leaders can navigate these challenges effectively. Leveraging guidance from the EEOC, such as that provided by Commissioner Keith Sonderling, helps ensure that accommodations are handled appropriately, maintaining fairness and protecting employee privacy. In doing so, organizations can foster a more inclusive and supportive work environment, even in the face of evolving work arrangements. In Sonderling’s words, “The bottom line is, if there’s a request related to mental health or physical disability, HR must go through the proper steps. Ignoring this process is not an option.”

Key Take-Away

To address fairness in remote and hybrid work policies, leaders must ensure legal compliance, maintain transparency, handle accommodations confidentially, and show empathy. Share on X

Image credit: Yan Krukau/Pexels

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky was named “Office Whisperer” by The New York Times for helping leaders overcome frustrations with hybrid work and Generative AI. He serves as the CEO of the future-of-work consultancy Disaster Avoidance Experts. Dr. Gleb wrote seven best-selling books, and his two most recent ones are Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams and ChatGPT for Thought Leaders and Content Creators: Unlocking the Potential of Generative AI for Innovative and Effective Content Creation. His cutting-edge thought leadership was featured in over 650 articles and 550 interviews in Harvard Business Review, Inc. Magazine, USA Today, CBS News, Fox News, Time, Business Insider, Fortune, The New York Times, and elsewhere. His writing was translated into Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Korean, French, Vietnamese, German, and other languages. His expertise comes from over 20 years of consulting, coaching, and speaking and training for Fortune 500 companies from Aflac to Xerox. It also comes from over 15 years in academia as a behavioral scientist, with 8 years as a lecturer at UNC-Chapel Hill and 7 years as a professor at Ohio State. A proud Ukrainian American, Dr. Gleb lives in Columbus, Ohio.