Most Frequently Requested Programs

Mind Over Machine: Conquering the Human Factors of Implementing Generative AI

From Frustration to Flourishing: Mastering Generative AI Adoption

How to Solve the Problem of Innovation in Distributed Work via Behavioral Science and Generative AI

Hybrid Harmony: How to Address Headaches, Frustrations, and Conflicts Around Hybrid and Remote Work

Creating Thriving Stars: How to Maximize Employee Engagement Through Hybrid Work

Using Hybrid Work to Improve Retention and Productivity While Cutting Costs

Defeating the Four Horsemen of the Mandated Return to Office: Employee Resistance, Attrition, Quiet Quitting, and Loss of DEI

Become a Hybrid Work Leader Via Behavioral Science

How to Defeat Work-From-Home Burnout and Zoom Fatigue Using Behavioral Science

Leading Change Management Through Behavioral Science

Effective Communication Via Behavioral Science

Leadership Myths Busted: Behavioral Science Reveals the Surprising Truth About Effective Leaders

Improving Employee Engagement Via Behavioral Science

Adapting to Disruption Via Behavioral Science

Prudent Risk Management Via Behavioral Science

How Outstanding Leaders Avoid Decisions Leading to People Disasters via Behavioral Science

Busting Generational Myths to Excel at Engaging Young Employees Via Behavioral Science

Exceptional Coaching Via Behavioral Science

Stakeholder Engagement Excellence Via Behavioral Science

Why Do Smart Leaders Ignore Serious Risks in the Post-Pandemic World (and What to Do About It Via Behavioral Science)

How Effective Leaders Make the Most Profitable Decisions Via Behavioral Science

How to Gather Quality Data to Inform Truly Effective Decision Making via Behavioral Science

Socially Intelligent Leadership Via Behavioral Science

Successful Strategic Pivots for Leaders Via Behavioral Science

Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Via Behavioral Science

No Shame, No Guilt: Addressing Discomfort With Diversity and Inclusion Using Behavioral Science

Future-Proofing Mastery for a Post-Pandemic World Using Behavioral Science

Defeating Unconscious Bias Via Behavioral Science

How to Use Generative AI to Seize the Future

Unifying AI and Hybrid Work: A Blueprint for the Future

In-Depth Sample Program for 8-Hour Workshop

Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters

This sample program is designed for a whole-day workshop. It can be shortened to a half-day workshop, a 60 to 90-minute keynote, or 20-minute TED-style talk.

If you’re interested in having one of these programs customized to your audience, or if you would like us to create a special program to meet your needs by using his expertise in decision-making and emotional and social intelligence, get in touch today!