Rethinking Innovation Through Generative AI

6 min read
Innovation Through Generative AI

Brainstorming has traditionally been considered the cornerstone of innovation within organizations, regardless of their size or industry. Teams typically gather to generate out-of-the-box ideas for new products, optimizing processes, or solving complex problems.

This method has long been celebrated as the pinnacle of creativity, credited with fostering the innovative ideas that have shaped our modern world. However, recent research suggests that brainstorming may be more like a cubic zirconia than a diamond: its effectiveness is often overstated. In reality, brainstorming appears to hinder innovation compared to the simpler approach of individuals generating ideas independently.

For managers, particularly those navigating the contemporary landscape, assembling employees in a single room for brainstorming sessions is increasingly challenging. Many teams are now distributed across various locations, with colleagues based in cities like New York, San Francisco, London, Mumbai, and Tokyo. The rise of flexible work means some team members may work from home on any given day. Conducting traditional brainstorming sessions remotely is significantly more difficult than in-person sessions.

Given the research highlighting the surprisingly low effectiveness of brainstorming and the declining number of companies requiring full-time in-office work, it is time to reconsider brainstorming as the primary tool for innovation. Instead, as a manager, you would benefit from deploying Generative AI as a more promising avenue to pursue innovation and maintain a competitive edge. For instance, GPT-4 outperformed 91% of humans on a variation of the Alternative Uses Test and achieved over 99% in the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking. With the advent of newer models like GPT-4o, Gemini Pro, and Claude Opus, the potential for creativity will only increase.

The Benefits and Challenges of Traditional Brainstorming

Behavioral science research indicates that participants in traditional brainstorming sessions enjoy them and believe they are effective for idea generation. This perceived effectiveness stems from two primary factors identified by scientists.

The first factor is idea synergy, where ideas shared by one participant spark additional ideas in others. Studies demonstrate that synergy benefits are particularly pronounced when participants are encouraged to actively listen to each other and draw inspiration from the shared ideas.

The second factor is social facilitation, which refers to the motivational boost that comes from working on a shared task. Participants feel more driven when they know they are collaborating with their peers toward a common goal.

However, these benefits are not without significant drawbacks. One major issue is production blocking. Imagine you have a brilliant idea during a brainstorming session, but someone else is speaking. As the conversation progresses, it moves in a different direction, and by the time you get a chance to speak, your idea may seem irrelevant, redundant, or you might even forget it altogether.

If this scenario is unfamiliar to you, it might be because you are extroverted and optimistic. Introverts, on the other hand, struggle with production blocking. They find it difficult to formulate ideas in a noisy team environment and are less likely to interrupt an ongoing conversation, resulting in their ideas often going unheard. Introverts generally perform better in quiet settings, either alone or with one other person.

Similarly, individuals with a pessimistic disposition face challenges in traditional brainstorming. Optimists are comfortable verbalizing half-formed ideas on the fly, which suits traditional brainstorming well. In contrast, pessimists tend to process ideas internally, needing time to think through their ideas to ensure they are sound. Although brainstorming encourages the sharing of flawed ideas, pessimists find it hard to overcome their natural inclinations, much like introverts struggle in noisy group settings.

Pessimists are also particularly affected by evaluation apprehension, the fear of sharing ideas due to concern over peer judgment. This anxiety further inhibits their participation in brainstorming sessions.

Moreover, junior or lower-status team members often hesitate to voice controversial ideas that challenge established practices or the authority of high-status members, especially team leaders. These innovative ideas frequently remain unspoken due to production blocking or evaluation apprehension.

Consequently, numerous studies have shown that traditional brainstorming is significantly less effective at producing innovative ideas compared to individuals working independently. Even more, innovative practices have been found to be far more effective, such as “asynchronous brainstorming.”

Generative AI Offers an Innovation Powerhouse

Generative AI offers immense potential beyond conventional brainstorming and alternative best practices, revolutionizing the creative process for managers striving to make an impact. Generative AI suggests innovative ideas, provides data-driven insights, and plays devil’s advocate, fostering a more diverse and comprehensive ideation process that transcends traditional boundaries. The technique I developed for my clients leverages Generative AI for individual idea generation, enhancing creativity and reducing reliance on traditional in-person collaboration. My clients have found that AI-driven strategies not only match but often surpass traditional levels of innovation, generating groundbreaking ideas and fostering an environment where creativity flourishes without the constraints of physical collaboration or traditional brainstorming.

For managers, Generative AI can be a game-changer. Individual employees can use AI to create fleshed-out ideas before presenting them to the wider team. This approach is invaluable for inclusivity, as it mitigates the obstacles of production blocking for introverts. Pessimists can thoroughly think through and develop their ideas, addressing potential issues before sharing them with the team, solving evaluation apprehension. Junior or lower-status team members can demonstrate their true capabilities without being hindered by power dynamics during innovation processes.

Here’s how the process works:

  • Initial Idea Generation: Individuals input a basic concept or problem statement into a Generative AI tool. The AI generates a wide range of ideas, perspectives, and solutions, exploring angles that might be overlooked in traditional brainstorming. By leveraging AI’s capacity to think outside conventional human patterns, users can uncover innovative approaches and unique insights that drive creativity and problem-solving.
  • Refining and Evaluating Ideas: The AI assesses the generated ideas for potential impact, feasibility, and market readiness. This evaluation helps identify the most promising ideas, which are then shortlisted for further discussion within the team. By sifting through and analyzing these ideas, the AI ensures that only those with the highest potential are considered, streamlining decision-making and saving valuable time and resources.
  • Enhancing Creativity with AI-Assisted Tools: AI-assisted design software, predictive analytics, and simulation programs further develop and visualize the shortlisted ideas. These tools add depth and clarity, transforming raw concepts into well-developed proposals that can be effectively communicated and implemented.
  • Collaborative Integration: Individuals bring their AI-enhanced ideas to the team for discussion. These discussions, whether remote or in-person, benefit from the well-thought-out ideas generated and refined by the AI. Face-to-face interactions, when possible, enhance collaboration.
  • Establishing a Continuous Feedback Loop: Feedback from team discussions is fed back into the AI system, creating a cycle of ongoing improvement and innovation. This iterative approach ensures the AI continuously learns from human input, refining and enhancing idea quality. This dynamic environment fosters perpetual growth and creativity.

Case Study of Sales Manager Using Generative AI Innovation to Boost Sales Performance

Emma, recently promoted to Sales Manager at a B2B services firm, had the goal of improving her team’s sales performance in an increasingly competitive market. Her team faced challenges in lead conversion and maintaining customer engagement, which were critical to achieving their sales targets. And she had the additional challenge of navigating a situation where her subordinates recently were her peers.

To tackle these challenges, Emma introduced the use of Gen AI to her team for brainstorming innovative sales strategies. Fortunately, her company allowed managers at all levels to experiment with Gen AI after I gave a training to managers on using Gen AI to achieve company goals.

Based on this training, Emma helped teach her team to input various sales-related problem statements and customer feedback into the AI tool, after training the Gen AI on the company’s sales data. Here’s what the process looked like in practice.

  • Initial Idea Generation: Each team member individually inputted specific sales challenges into the Generative AI tool. The AI produced diverse suggestions, including new techniques for customer outreach, personalized engagement tactics, and data-driven targeting strategies. The wide range of ideas helped the team explore various angles that might have been overlooked through traditional brainstorming.
  • Refining and Evaluating Ideas: During this phase, the team used AI to assess the generated ideas based on their feasibility, potential impact on sales performance, and ease of implementation. They also simulated customer reactions to these new strategies using AI-powered analytics informed by customer demographic segmentation and buyer profiles from existing customer sales journeys. This process identified personalized sales pitches and targeted engagement campaigns as the most promising ideas.
  • Development and Visualization: To further develop these ideas, the team utilized AI-driven analytics and simulation software. These tools helped refine the concepts into clear and actionable plans. For instance, the AI-assisted tools provided detailed insights into customer behavior, enabling the team to craft highly personalized sales pitches. They also simulated different customer scenarios to predict the effectiveness of targeted engagement strategies.
  • Collaborative Integration: With well-developed ideas in hand, Emma organized meetings for the team to discuss and finalize the AI-enhanced strategies. These discussions were enriched by the data-backed insights and detailed models produced by the AI tools. The team combined AI-generated insights with their expertise, resulting in the successful integration of personalized sales pitches and targeted engagement strategies into their sales process.
  • Continuous Feedback Loop: After implementing the new strategies, Emma established a continuous feedback loop. The team collected performance metrics and customer feedback, which were then fed back into the AI system. This iterative process allowed the team to continuously refine and improve their sales tactics based on real-time data and feedback, ensuring that the strategies remained effective and relevant.

The AI-driven approach led to significant improvements in sales performance. Personalized sales pitches resulted in a 18% increase in lead conversion rates, while targeted engagement strategies boosted overall sales by 12% within the first quarter. Customer feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with many appreciating the personalized attention and tailored solutions. The continuous feedback loop ensured that the sales strategies adapted to evolving customer needs, maintaining high levels of engagement and satisfaction.

The implementation of these AI-enhanced strategies also had a profound impact on the team’s morale and performance. Emma’s leadership in leveraging advanced technology not only showcased her innovative approach but also empowered her team to embrace new methods and think creatively. The team’s success under her guidance solidified her reputation as an effective and forward-thinking manager, despite her recent promotion.

Overall, Emma’s use of Generative AI to boost sales performance exemplifies how managers can leverage cutting-edge technology to drive innovation and achieve substantial business results. Her ability to integrate AI-driven insights with traditional sales expertise created a powerful synergy, ultimately leading to a more dynamic, efficient, and successful sales team.

The Shifting Paradigm of Innovation in the Future of Work

For managers, understanding the profound implications of these findings is crucial. Generative AI challenges the traditional belief that innovation relies on being in the same room and brainstorming. Whether using asynchronous brainstorming to include introverts, pessimists, and junior staff, or leveraging Generative AI for individual idea development, the traditional brainstorming model is becoming obsolete. Embracing AI-driven innovation is essential for maintaining a competitive advantage in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

Key Take-Away

Innovation through generative AI allows teams to transcend traditional brainstorming limitations, driving creativity and inclusivity by generating, refining, and evaluating ideas independently and collaboratively. Share on X

Image credit: Darlene Alderson/Pexels

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky was lauded as “Office Whisperer” and “Hybrid Expert” by The New York Times for helping leaders use hybrid work to improve retention and productivity while cutting costs. He serves as the CEO of the boutique future-of-work consultancy Disaster Avoidance Experts. Dr. Gleb wrote the first book on returning to the office and leading hybrid teams after the pandemic, his best-seller Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams: A Manual on Benchmarking to Best Practices for Competitive Advantage (Intentional Insights, 2021). He authored seven books in total, and is best know for his global bestseller, Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters (Career Press, 2019). His cutting-edge thought leadership was featured in over 650 articles and 550 interviews in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Inc. Magazine, USA Today, CBS News, Fox News, Time, Business Insider, Fortune, and elsewhere. His writing was translated into Chinese, Korean, German, Russian, Polish, Spanish, French, and other languages. His expertise comes from over 20 years of consulting, coaching, and speaking and training for Fortune 500 companies from Aflac to Xerox. It also comes from over 15 years in academia as a behavioral scientist, with 8 years as a lecturer at UNC-Chapel Hill and 7 years as a professor at Ohio State. A proud Ukrainian American, Dr. Gleb lives in Columbus, Ohio. In his free time, he makes sure to spend abundant quality time with his wife to avoid his personal life turning into a disaster. Contact him at Gleb[at]DisasterAvoidanceExperts[dot]com, follow him on LinkedIn @dr-gleb-tsipursky, Twitter @gleb_tsipursky, Instagram @dr_gleb_tsipursky, Facebook @DrGlebTsipursky, Medium @dr_gleb_tsipursky, YouTube, and RSS, and get a free copy of the Assessment on Dangerous Judgment Errors in the Workplace by signing up for the free Wise Decision Maker Course at