7 Tools to Build Your Willpower


  Struggling to get work done instead of slacking off? Tempted by that second doughnut? Struggling to resist checking your phone? Shopping impulsively on Amazon? What you need is more willpower!   Recent research shows that strengthening willpower is the real secret to the kind of self-control that can help you resist temptations and achieve…

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Use Emotional Intelligence To Address Speech Anxiety


What do you feel when you imagine standing up in front of an audience? Visualize the bright lights in your face, see all those people looking at you and expecting you to deliver a top-notch performance. Do butterflies start fluttering about in your stomach? Do your palms start to sweat? Does your head get light?…

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The Keys to Avoid “Failing at Other Minds”

"Avoiding failing at other minds" image

Imagine you’re really excited about a new idea for a collaborative project. You send an e-mail about it to a friend who you just know is going to be as excited as you. You’re waiting on pins and needles for a response, checking your inbox every hour. A couple of hours pass, then a couple…

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